Popular places for sakura blossom viewing
Matsuyama CastleiAiji prefecturej
Time:Mid of March-mid of April.
There are about 320 someiyosino sakura trees around the castle.The background for marvelous blossoms is Matsuyama Castle,wich is appointed as national heritage. (Photo: Matsuyama Castlej
Kakunodate iAkita Prefecturej
Time:End of April-beginning of May.
There are about 200 sakura trees in that area, some of them are more than 200 years old giant trees, really worth seeing.152 of them are appointed as natural heritage. Besides there are about 400 someiyosino sakura trees in Hinokinaigawa, they stretch 2 km along the dam, they form a huge tonnel full of flowers.iPhoto:Kakunodatej
Maruyama Park iKyotoj
Time:beginning-mid of April
This park is well known for it sidare sakura,huge trees about 11 meters high,they form a pictureque landskape.These trees were moved here from Yasaka shrine during Edo period.At night light up is arranged at night.iPhoto:Maruyama Parkj
Heian ShrineiKyotoj
Time:beginning-mid of April
There are about 300 trees there, among them 150 were planted in the shrine garden in 1895, the year the shrine was founded. The famous sakura`s type of Heian shrine is red sidare sakura.iPhoto:Heian Shrinej
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